Wednesday 21 May 2014

Easy Does It

This is something I've been thinking about over the last few days.  I have these grandiose plans to improve everything in my life- my health, my happiness, my relationship with my son, the cleanliness of my house, and so on.  I have this idea every summer, and sometimes I am successful for a couple of weeks.  Every year, I want to be better than I am right now, and then go on a cleaning and shopping spree to fill my fridge with new, healthy stuff.  I feel accomplished and happy to be in this place again. Then after a few days, something comes up, and we have to eat out.  Then the next week when I had planned on cleaning, something else came up, and before I know it, I'm back to where I first started.  Messy house (again), eating junk food (again), feeling like a failure for not keeping up with my plan (again).  So why am I attempting this again?  Because I truly want to be happy and healthy, and I feel that my messy, disorganized house, diet and relationships are standing in the way of this.  I do realize now that I can be in control of this, and that with consistent, repetitive effort and organization, I can accomplish this.  And if I don't get everything done in one day?  That's okay.  There is always tomorrow.  Health and happiness seem to result from the cumulative build-up of behaviours.  You can't just clean your house once and expect it to be perfect from that day forward.  You can't work out once and expect to have a 6-pack.  Keep at it, and don't give up.  Don't worry about eating the wrong thing, or not getting the cleaning done, it's okay.  In the past, when I would "screw up" my self-imposed diet plan by eating something "bad", then I would either give up, or become stricter with my diet and exercise to compensate.  This did nothing for me, other than create a cycle of negative thoughts, and destructive eating patterns.  This is not serving me, so I am ready to let it go.  I woke up this morning feeling bad that on day one of yet another healthy eating plan, I had wrecked it by eating popcorn and ice cream the night before.  I was starting to feel like maybe I'm not cut out for this, but then I got thinking about all of the successful people I know and look up to, and thought about what they would do.  I think they would just try again.  Start fresh, make the best choices I can today, given what I have to work with, and go from there.  It's progress, not perfection, that I am aiming for this time.

What I am planning to do differently this time around, is to 1)write things down, 2)make time to do things, and 3)do something small every day.  What three things do I want/need to get done?  How much time do I have?  What is standing in my way?  I have realized that over the last few years, I have been standing in my own way of achieving happiness.  Yes, there have been life events that were difficult to deal with, but every body has those.  I am learning that it's not so much what happens to you, it's how you react to it.  I have reacted to things by letting outside influences and internal thoughts rule my behaviour.  If I keep telling myself "I don't have time for...." or "I can't be successful because..." then I will never be successful and I will never have time.  If I change my outlook, then maybe I can be successful and have time for things.

Now, of course, I don't know this to be true. I hear and read anecdotal evidence from other people that this works, and I used to think "I can't be like those people, because...." but I'm done with excuses.  These stories I tell myself are not serving any purpose for me, so it is time to let them go.  Even if my house is still messy, and yesterday I ate too much, that's okay.  I'm not perfect right now, and maybe I never will be.  I am me, and I am just fine the way I am.

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